Jomez Consulting

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Advice for Living the Dream!

Has it really been since Nov 2017 that I last updated our blog with a post?  Wow, I guess the quote that time flies when you are having fun is an understatement!

As 2018 came and we are almost half way through the year, Jomez Consulting has increased its client base.  All great things, as we are helping organizations with their human capital strategy, more clients are getting the jobs they desire and overall, we are striving to continually be a change agent as an HR Consulting company in the NOVA area.

As an entrepreneur, the act of continuous learning and developing our skills is vital for success. However, this can also be said for employees, in the many roles we play at home (fathers, mothers, grandparents, caregivers, etc.), and for our community - serving one another, helping out when needed or simply being a ear to listen too. Learning in all these areas and in these roles, is the key to growing!

I recently came across an article that speaks to the 3 things that business owners should be aware of when building their business.  With Mother's Day upon us, it is a good reminder for everyone.  As a mom of 3 year twin girls, these factors ring true when seeking to build their confidence, identity and worth in their character, and not in what the world says they are.  Children are absorbing all of the things we say, do and how we handle conflict.  Do these 3 mindsets help you remember who you are, and that others are watching?