An Anthropologist walks into a bar...

At the core of sense making lies the practice of phenomenology: the study of how people experience life. Drop the mic!

In the world of People & Culture, my ultimate goal is to understand how people’s experiences at work need to be clearly defined (expectations), the various methods to achieve these goals (professional development, mentorship, the desire to embark on new experiences, etc.) and maintain this balancing act on a consistent basis. How do you do this, when you are focused on the outcome of retaining top talent, staying within budget and keep the culture of your workforce an environment where a professional can create a masterpiece, that still meets the clients needs?

As we learnt how to start developing our sense making in action today, the 4 areas of focus were a lightbulb of hope for me, as at times, it can feel as though the task before me is a daunting endeavor'.

Looking at our organization and our clients through the lease of an anthropologist is essential for truly understanding the problem, as most of us focus too much energy on the solution. You can not help solve ANY problem (professionally and personally), until you understand the issue at hand.

  1. Reframing the Problem, is to “understand the complex, subtle, often unconscious ways in which people interact with their surroundings.” The questions that come to mind are ‘What is our most recent hires experiences been to date, what could have been done better, and how can we improve our process in order to retain them as a Consultant?’

  2. Collect the Data, is the method you use to get information in order to assess the problem and identify the key themes. While taking surveys is useful from a data perspective, I often desire to have one on one meetings with our team members to get information first hand. Time consuming, yes, but insightful, and priceless.

  3. Look for Patterns, is found in seeking out the root causes, in the experiences encountered by a group of people. What are the issues, evidence and impact for on boarding a Consultant successfully and how can that be measured over a period of time?

  4. Create a Key Insight, can only be done when you’ve done the leg work. Often times, what we think is the problem is not the issue at all. It may be larger than we think and insight can be gained from a completely different angle.

  5. Build the Business Impact, looks beyond what most professional services firms concentrate on. For example, after spending 4 years at Deloitte, the method for success was written down on paper as a clear line of sight for newbies. However, so much of the grey areas were only discussed with a few while the black and white spots were shared with the majority. My understanding is that to build a true business impact, I need to leave room for the shades in between, so that the grey areas are discovered by both the Consultant and Client.

After spending Day 2 focusing on the above, reviewing the Key to Everything, and reading over a few of our blog posts from yesterday, it is apparent that my anthropologist mindset has shifted into a more curious one. One with more questions vs. always having to have the solution - which seems to be where the mic dropped and I heard a different tune!

Reflections from the Key to Everything!

I thought I knew a lot, but do I really? This was just the first thought provoking notion that popped into my head as our training began. I’ve been in Human Resources for 16 years. I’ve lived in three countries and have an open mind that has been my ‘mantra’ for everything. It has truly allowed me to have experiences that are far beyond what I could have ever imagined. I’ve focus on the journey and not the destination for most of my life. With that being said, I would say I am pretty knowledgeable…correct?

The Key to Everything is simple, yet it questioned my thinking. I’ve heard the saying “think about your thinking” from a biblical perspective and it holds true even more so today in business, relationships, conflict, my community, social media, parenting and the list goes on. The inputs that are constantly being filtered into my head, thoughts and internal processing shape my perspective and in turn, shape how I speak to others, my husband, my children, my family members, my clients, and everyone I come into contact with.

The awareness of this reality is so enlightening, yet so powerful! It has given me a new set of eyes as 2020 slowly comes to an end, and as I’ve struggled with the many challenges that this season has brought to my lap. The timing of this 3 Day Course is not by chance. The quote below sums up where my head and heart are after Day 1. Stay tuned for more insights…

“I choose to live by choice, not by chance; to make changes, not excuses; to be motivated, not manipulated; to be useful, not used; to excel, not to compete. I choose self-esteem, not self-pity. I choose to listen to my inner voice, not the random opinion of others. I choose to be me.”
Miranda Marrott

Advice for Living the Dream!

Has it really been since Nov 2017 that I last updated our blog with a post?  Wow, I guess the quote that time flies when you are having fun is an understatement!

As 2018 came and we are almost half way through the year, Jomez Consulting has increased its client base.  All great things, as we are helping organizations with their human capital strategy, more clients are getting the jobs they desire and overall, we are striving to continually be a change agent as an HR Consulting company in the NOVA area.

As an entrepreneur, the act of continuous learning and developing our skills is vital for success. However, this can also be said for employees, in the many roles we play at home (fathers, mothers, grandparents, caregivers, etc.), and for our community - serving one another, helping out when needed or simply being a ear to listen too. Learning in all these areas and in these roles, is the key to growing!

I recently came across an article that speaks to the 3 things that business owners should be aware of when building their business.  With Mother's Day upon us, it is a good reminder for everyone.  As a mom of 3 year twin girls, these factors ring true when seeking to build their confidence, identity and worth in their character, and not in what the world says they are.  Children are absorbing all of the things we say, do and how we handle conflict.  Do these 3 mindsets help you remember who you are, and that others are watching?

Are you ready to take the leap?

From leaping to Seoul, Korea at the age of 27, leaping to Virginia from Toronto three years later, leaping into marriage, leaping into parenthood by having twin daughters and opening up our own consulting business, I can honestly attest that the theme of the Dare to Do Brunch, is in alignment with the way I have lived my entire life...purchase your tickets soon, as they are going quick! 


Having a Dream Come True!

Today, started out as any regular Wednesday with emails to respond to, managing a household with our twin daughters and striving to utilize the most I can with the time I have been given.  My husband surprised me with a trip to the National Harbor within the lunch time hour, and I didn't think anything of it.

As we walked into the line of the Sarah Jessica Parker shoe store (the first store in the DC metro area), I started to think about what was about to occur.  He had signed me up to shoe shop with someone I have admired for years. She was a Hollywood star, with three kids (two of them were a set of twins), came from humble beginnings and was truly living her dreams.  She started her own shoe store, SJP for women at a price point that is affordable.  Any other shoe made in Italy would be a fortune.  

This is not the first company she has started, as almost 5+ years ago, she started a store called Bitten.  This store sold a variety of items -- clothes, purses, shoes, you name it.  It didn't stay in business a very long time, but honestly, it had great quality products where the prices are affordable for all women, of all shapes and sizes, which was her overall goal.  

So, needless to say, something simple as shopping for shoes with the assistance of Sarah Jessica Parker was impactful for me today, because I share so many of her values (from what I can tell by meeting her and what I have read about her in the past).  She was an absolute pleasure to meet -she was authentic, informative, funny and kind.  This experience confirmed for me the goal of striving for something more than I can imagine.  The desire to keep keeping on, when I'm not sure what the future holds and continually look to spread my wings!  When was the last time you had a dream come true?  My hubby knows me tell well enough that I needed this experience, and it has been revived for what the future has to offer.  

What dream would you like to become a reality over the next few months?

We are officially open for prime time!

After almost being an official company for 10 months, we launched our website on Aug 8, 2017!  We are open for talent development (training assessment, leadership training, and delivery), career coaching, resume writing & LinkedIn enhancements, as well as On-Boarding expertise.  It is a VERY exciting time!

While professionals seek the path of changing careers, or looking for a new position, additional resources to network are essential. People find jobs from who they know, not what they know. So, on a regular basis I will showcase companies that are helping those in need, resources to improve one's career, and/or simply a great tip for working in today's world.

A recent discovery I have made, has been with a company called Career Confidence (  They have 'meet-ups' in the Tyson's, VA and Rockville, MD areas.  They focus on networking, building confidence in your job search, and professionals meet on a bi-weekly (or some times weekly) basis.

What is different about this company is that they meet for a 3-4 hour span on a Saturday, to practically go through ways that are best suited for finding an ideal position.  A speaker will kick off the session, with a few group sessions where people need to network, answer questions and interact with others to figure out ways to move their job search to the next level.

If you are seeking employment, and haven't checked them out, I highly encourage you to do so!  Also, if there are other groups, advice, tips, etc. that you would like to share about your own experiences, please feel free to add a comment and/or feedback below...'til next time! 

I'm Ready (Almost)!

Well, it has been quite some time since I last wrote, but it has been a VERY busy 6 months. Business is going well thus far, resume writing for clients has increased and people are finding roles that they desire. This has always been my ultimate goal, both as an HR professional in the traditional work place and as a business owner. 

The reality that not everything needs to be perfect, or ready or in place has also been a learning curve I'm starting to value more and more.  Of course, the essentials have to be in place to develop a business, market your brand, etc., but as I grow, this business will too.  It's all about ADVANCEMENT!

Have you every thought about the skills you develop at work?  Are they transferable to your personal life or to a volunteer position?  It is in that space where life challenges you beyond what you thought you could do, by pushing you to the next level.  Starting a business has stretched me, taught me valuable lessons and made me realize that I was meant to do this!  

I hope you are thinking about how you can utilize your skills on a regular basis, so that your goals are met (on a timeline you set out for yourself).  Setting them every six months so that change is occurring in your life and you don't become stagnant.  Having a circle of colleagues that challenge your mindset, actions and behaviors is key, as they will keep you on your toes and push you outside of your comfort box.

Are you ready for that type of professional and personal change?  I'm ready....well, almost!

To launch or not to launch!

As 2017 kicks off, it has been more apparent that ever that starting a new initiative was on the horizon! Finding the right niche, with the correct timing is always a challenge. Why is this year any different than past years?  Well, I had a milestone birthday last week and realized that my husband, my twin girls (who turn 2 years old next month), and I desire to do A LOT.  In addition, the reality that my hubby and I desire to ensure that our girls are equipped for what life has to offer is becoming more real as they grow each and everyday.

With the inauguration last week, I suspect that a major shift in the way the U.S. thinks about politics, human rights and international relations will change.  As a Canadian living in the U.S., this allows me the opportunity to teach our twins to think before they speak, research the facts and know what you are talking about intelligently.  Overall, this connects to the way we do business as a whole.  If we teach our kids these lessons now, perhaps adults will notice and strive to do the same.

Needless to say, striving for what you believe in thought, dialogue and written communication is something I plan to focus on this year, so that I can be my best self and create a business that follow suit!