Jomez Consulting

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Having a Dream Come True!

Today, started out as any regular Wednesday with emails to respond to, managing a household with our twin daughters and striving to utilize the most I can with the time I have been given.  My husband surprised me with a trip to the National Harbor within the lunch time hour, and I didn't think anything of it.

As we walked into the line of the Sarah Jessica Parker shoe store (the first store in the DC metro area), I started to think about what was about to occur.  He had signed me up to shoe shop with someone I have admired for years. She was a Hollywood star, with three kids (two of them were a set of twins), came from humble beginnings and was truly living her dreams.  She started her own shoe store, SJP for women at a price point that is affordable.  Any other shoe made in Italy would be a fortune.  

This is not the first company she has started, as almost 5+ years ago, she started a store called Bitten.  This store sold a variety of items -- clothes, purses, shoes, you name it.  It didn't stay in business a very long time, but honestly, it had great quality products where the prices are affordable for all women, of all shapes and sizes, which was her overall goal.  

So, needless to say, something simple as shopping for shoes with the assistance of Sarah Jessica Parker was impactful for me today, because I share so many of her values (from what I can tell by meeting her and what I have read about her in the past).  She was an absolute pleasure to meet -she was authentic, informative, funny and kind.  This experience confirmed for me the goal of striving for something more than I can imagine.  The desire to keep keeping on, when I'm not sure what the future holds and continually look to spread my wings!  When was the last time you had a dream come true?  My hubby knows me tell well enough that I needed this experience, and it has been revived for what the future has to offer.  

What dream would you like to become a reality over the next few months?