Jomez Consulting

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We are officially open for prime time!

After almost being an official company for 10 months, we launched our website on Aug 8, 2017!  We are open for talent development (training assessment, leadership training, and delivery), career coaching, resume writing & LinkedIn enhancements, as well as On-Boarding expertise.  It is a VERY exciting time!

While professionals seek the path of changing careers, or looking for a new position, additional resources to network are essential. People find jobs from who they know, not what they know. So, on a regular basis I will showcase companies that are helping those in need, resources to improve one's career, and/or simply a great tip for working in today's world.

A recent discovery I have made, has been with a company called Career Confidence (  They have 'meet-ups' in the Tyson's, VA and Rockville, MD areas.  They focus on networking, building confidence in your job search, and professionals meet on a bi-weekly (or some times weekly) basis.

What is different about this company is that they meet for a 3-4 hour span on a Saturday, to practically go through ways that are best suited for finding an ideal position.  A speaker will kick off the session, with a few group sessions where people need to network, answer questions and interact with others to figure out ways to move their job search to the next level.

If you are seeking employment, and haven't checked them out, I highly encourage you to do so!  Also, if there are other groups, advice, tips, etc. that you would like to share about your own experiences, please feel free to add a comment and/or feedback below...'til next time!